What Is a Fat Burner Supplement? Do They Work?

Last Updated 3 years ago

We live in times when the combination of speed and easiness are the most valued qualities in almost every aspect of our lives, and fat burners are a prime example of this mentality.

Losing weight is not exactly the most fun-packed activity imaginable, and most people are fascinated by the idea of a magic pill with the ability to just peel off the fat from our body and give a slim, lean figure. So, when they hear about “fat burner” supplements promising fast results with minimum effort, they cannot resist.

But how much truth is in these claims? What exactly is a fat burner supplement and how does it work?

What is a Fat Burner?

Fat burners are substances, natural or artificial, that help the body target fat tissue and burn it up. Still, fat burners work properly only when coupled with proper diet and exercise.

Think of it this way: if your exercise is a bow, then diet is the arrow and the fat burner is your finger grasping the bow and helping you aim at the target. But, just the finger wouldn’t do much, would it?

If we’d wish a more scientific definition, fat burners are nutrition supplements designed to increase fat metabolism and energy expenditure, encumber fat absorption, facilitate weight loss, and ameliorate fat oxidation.

“All these with a pill?”, you might wonder. Let us see.

How Do Fat Burners Work?

The core of this whole fat burning procedure lies in hormonal reactions that trigger the body to use fat as fuel for its energy needs. When these increase due to exercise, fat loss is accelerated and weight loss becomes easier.

The fat burner actually increases the breakdown of fatty acids residing in adipose tissue (the notorious enemy known as “belly fat”). Once broken down, the fatty acids are washed out through the bloodstream and get burned as energy fuel.

Hence, a fat burner can boost your energy levels, curb your appetite, burn up fat and raise your metabolism and core temperature, a phenomenon also known as “thermogenesis”. All these lead to increased calorie consumption and, eventually, to weight loss.

Still, fat burners are not remedies to bad diets and sedentary life.

So, Fat Burners Work, Right?

Yes, they do, when used moderately and are combined with exercise and diet. But…

When we say that they work, we always place it within a realistic scope. When someone asks whether they work or not but has some crazy, unrealistic results in mind, then the answer is no, they cannot perform the miracles you ask for.

So, no, you will not just get rid of pounds of fat each week, if that’s what you hope for. If you wish for a normal weight loss, then yes, coupled with workouts and diet, they can help indeed.

And what would be considered a safe, realistic weight loss? Most nutritionists agree that an average of 1 to 3 pounds per week is both feasible and sustainable, but that often depends on other factors too, like your age, general physical condition, possible health issues, medication etc.

So, you need to make sure that you don’t go too big on your calorie deficit. A calorie deficit is created when you consume fewer calories than those you burn, but this must be always kept within reason. Extreme calorie deficits are never a good idea, regardless of their impressive initial results.

If you go too low on your calorie consumption, you will not necessarily lose fat and you will surely harm your body and health. Being lean but not healthy is hardly a good idea.

The best way to set a realistic goal is to ask your nutritionist and physician. It is also wise to set a weekly or monthly goal instead of a daily one.

All these lead us to the next crucial question.

Are Fat Burners Safe?

Given that you take a realistic approach, follow the instructions of the manufacturer, and combine their use with proper nutrition and training, then yes, fat burners are safe.

Still, keep the following fat burner secrets always in mind.

Any More Fat Burner Secrets?

  • Consider Cycling Usage

There is one very important thing you must know about fat burners: chronic usage induces a corresponding tolerance to the body. That means that a fat burner that actually worked for a couple of months may not perform as efficiently later, because the body has adapted and curbed its effect.

That is why many nutritionists recommend some sort of fat burners cycling, stopping usage every couple of months and restarting again a few weeks later.

There is also another reason. Some natural fat burners can be addictive; caffeine, the most famed of them all, is a prime example. If you use it for long periods and then stop it, then you will suffer from some sort of withdrawal effects. So, cycling is indeed a good idea for that reason too.

The same applies to your diet. Diets are meant to last for short periods of time, not forever. Most diets should never last for more than 3 or 4 months. Then, a period of maintenance should follow, when you will try to stabilise your new weight by reversing gradually to a normal amount of daily calorie consumption. If you think you must lose more weight, you can start a new diet again after a few months.

  • Take it Easy

Caution! Fat burners do not perform faster or better when received in larger quantities!

A fat burner has ingredients in specific doses that trigger specific hormonal reactions; a greater quantity will not change the intensity or speed of this effect. In fact, it can put your body in danger so the best thing to do is stick to the directions and dosage of the manufacturer, who always provide a way to measure the proper dose for your age, sex and weight.

That being said, it is considered wise to take it easy at first, taking the lowest recommended dose for the first couple of weeks and then raise it, always taking care to remain within the recommended spectrum on the package.

  • Combine it with Muscle Building

Fat burners work much better when combined with training aiming at muscle building. In the way, you replace fat with muscle, getting constantly in better shape and staying motivated.

  • Mind the Stimulants

Fat burners often contain stimulants, especially caffeine, so you need to be careful if you drink a lot of coffee or use other stimulants throughout the day. Unless a fat burner bears specifically the label “stimulant-free”, you should take for granted they it contains some kind of stimulant.

Taking too much caffeine or stimulants by combining a fat burner with great amounts of coffee, tea or something similar can negate the fat burner’s effect and pose threat to your health, as well as cause weight gain. Remember, as proven again and again by several studies, bad sleep is the passageway to obesity.

  • Research the Market

Don’t just take the first fat burner that falls into your hands or mentioned in a discussion.

It would be best to make a research, know a few stuff about the product, ask a couple of experienced friends and nutritionists and then pick the fat burner that seems to best meet your needs and preferences.

How Will I Know If My Fat Burner Actually Works?

As you must have figure out by now, fat burners need some time to deliver the desired results – at least 3 weeks. So, start assessing its effectiveness around the first 20 days of its usage.

Obviously, the best way to measure the results is to use your scale, as well as observe your body, or even measure it from time to time. Take notes and keep a record, always doing all that at a specific day and time of the week.

Remember, though, that not losing much weight does not necessarily mean that the fat burner does not work. Since you must couple it with training, you could replace fat with muscle and thus not lose weight, but, still, get leaner.

On the other hand, if several weeks passed and you have no visible results, then you should probably use a different fat burner.


We mentioned at least ten times already, but we should stress it once more: even though fat burners help a lot in burning fat and losing weight, they cannot replace a well-balanced diet and regular training.

Taken as part of a comprehensive, realistic and, most of all, healthy weight loss plan, fat burners can surely make a difference!